Emmy nominated makeup artist designed the look of “Mad Men” during its first two seasons
Here’s what I think I’ve learned about working women in the early 1960s:
• They worked really hard at putting on their faces in the morning.
• They worked equally hard at taking off their faces before bed.
• They strapped themselves in with elaborate brassieres and girdles.
• They really dug advertising men and one—Don Draper—in particular.
I know all this from being a loyal watcher and fan of AMC’s “Mad Men,” now in its third season.
What I still don’t know is what cold cream is. For example, is it actually cold? Did it do for makeup what Mr. Clean Erasers do for otherwise resistant counter stains?
And what was with Peggy Olson’s fat suit in season one?
Joining me to reveal the secrets of “Mad Men” is three-time Emmy Award nominee for makeup, Debbie Zoller. She was the makeup department head for the show’s first two seasons and has since moved on to another promising new show, ABC’s romantic comedy, “Castle,” starring Nathan Fillion.
Debbie also did makeup for Pirates of the Caribbean, Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill, Vol. 1 & 2, and Star Trek films and TV shows.
Debbie Zoller Instagram • PopSugar • IMDB

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