Today’s Guest: Bill Tush, long-time WTBS Superstation TV personality

You kids today think you’ve got it made, what with hundreds of cable TV channels, each one focused on a narrow genre like death and destruction, Herpes, and funny things you can do with string.
But back when I was in college there were only three cable channels that mattered and they were the superstations: New York’s WOR, Chicago’s WGN and Atlanta’s WTBS.
Those were golden days, my friends, and not because we could watch the New York Mets, Chicago Cubs and Atlanta Braves to our heart’s content. And frankly, you could toss out the first two superstations. For my money, the only one that mattered back then was the one whose signature star was a scrawny guy with a mustache named Bill Tush.
Tush was the reason the college kids tuned in, because late at night, he was MC Crazy and anything went.
It is my pleasure to welcome to Mr. Media a guy who made college a whole lot more tolerable and entertaining for my generation, Ted Turner’s favorite TV host, Mr. Bill Tush.
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