Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends director Quincy Rose and actress Jillian Leigh by clicking on the video player above!

Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of twentysomething millenials who want to look but don’t know if they should… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!
Guity secret: some of my favorite movies are sex comedies.
Porky’s, American Pie, Hollywood Knights – I’m a big, unapologetic fan of one of the most sexploitive indie film genres there is.
When they are funny, that is, and go in directions no one saw, getting us from beginning to end with dollops of sex and amusing situations.
QUINCY ROSE podcast excerpt: “‘Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends’ was called something else originally and it was a little different of a film. In coming up with a new title, someone said, ‘Friends Fxxking Friends,’ and I said, ‘That’s pretty funny.’ We kicked that around. But it was apparent nobody was going to let us put that on a poster. Or in any kind of advertising. I thought, ‘What if it was ‘Friends Effing Friends?’ Then we added another ‘…Effing Friends’ and I thought that sounded funny.”
JILLIAN LEIGH podcast excerpt: “So many meanings to the woods ‘eff someone’! The ways you can ‘eff someone’!”
Fortunately, Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends meets my high standards for the category. It’s funny, sexy and brings a twist in Act III that maybe the title gives away, but the execution is perfect.

Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends is writer/director/producer/editor (c’mon, it’s an indie, after all) Quincy Rose’s second feature film, following on the heels of Miles To Go.
JILLIAN LEIGH podcast excerpt: “In my life, sometimes, exchanging sex for love felt like the only thing I could offer… It’s sad… I hope my dad isn’t watching this… I had a guy once (perform a sex act) until I was his girlfriend. And it worked! People will try anything… and he was very good.”

His family background bears further investigation: his father, Mickey Rose, co-wrote the early Woody Allen films – no kidding — Bananas, Take the Money and Run, and What’s Up Tiger Lily – you know, the early, “funny” Allen flicks. Mickey Rose’s other writing credits include “The Sid Caesar Show,” “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson,” “The Dean Martin Show,” “The Smothers Brothers Show” from the mid-1970s, plus episodes of everything from the original “Odd Couple” and “Happy Days” to “Charlie’s Angels,” “Mr. and Mrs. Dracula,” and “The Chimp and Me.”
QUINCY ROSE podcast excerpt: “My dad, Mickey Rose, and Woody Allen came up together and wrote a lot of comedy together (“Bananas,” “Take the Money and Run,” “What’s Up Tiger Lily,” “The Sid Caesar Show,” the “I Shot a Moose” standup routine). And my dad and Garry Marshall (“The Odd Couple,” “Happy Days”) were in the Army Reserves together. My dad also wrote for Carl Reiner. They were the generation that came from nothing and made it; I am from the generation that came from something all blew it all.”
As for actress Jillian Leigh, who plays “Laura” in Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends, she has become a familiar face on the indie scene, appearing in City Baby, A Big Love Story, Echo Lake, and The Badger Game. She is also a successful playwright, the author of “Hooked.”
Also starring in the film are Tyler Dawson, Christina Gooding, Graham Skipper, and Vanessa Dubasso.
Key interview moments:
• 4:00 Director Quincy Rose talks about how a comedy gets a title such as Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends and the difference between Effing Friends once versus twice;
• 29:40 Actress Jillian Leigh talks about personal sexual situations she prefers her dad not hear about;
• 42:30 Rose, whose godfather is Woody Allen, talks about his dad’s writing career spent alongside Allen, Garry Marshall, Carl Reiner and others.
Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends Website • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • IMDB
Quincy Rose Twitter • IMDB • Vimeo • Facebook •
Jillian Leigh Website • Twitter • IMDB • Vimeo •

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