Today’s Guest: Ellen Woglom, actress, “Outlaw,” “Californication,” Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior

I plan to talk with actress Ellen Woglom about her role on the new NBC legal drama, “Outlaw,” which airs Fridays at 10 p.m. and stars LLJS—you know, Ladies Love Jimmy Smits. But first, I have to know this:
Will there ever be a sequel to Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior?
ELLEN WOGLOM podcast excerpt: “‘Californication’ to ‘Outlaw’ was quite a jump. Sixteen to an adult was quite a jump. I’m 23; now I’m playing Mereta, who is 27.”
Now that I got that out of my system, if you’re wondering which one of David Duchovny’s women Ellen played on Showtime’s “Californication,” get your mind out of the gutter right now. He actually slept with the woman who played her mother on that series, Embeth Davidtz ; Ellen was best friends with Hank’s daughter.
On “Outlaw,” Ellen is “Mereta Stockman,” Smits’ law clerk and a hopeless romantic.
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