Today’s Guest: Robert K. Elder, author, It Was Love When; It Was Over When

It’s almost Valentine’s Day and have I got the perfect interview!
Rob Elder is the founder of a pair of websites that capture both the joy and angst of modern romance. First, the joy: is dedicated to cataloging the exact moment when you realize that you are in love with someone.
ROB ELDER podcast excerpt: “Not all of them are ‘family friendly.’ Here’s one that is, from a woman: ‘I asked him what his favorite sexual fantasy was. He said, “Two redheads.” I’m a brunette. The aftermath? He left me two months later for a blonde.'”
And then, inevitably, there’s the angst: Elder’s second site,, is dedicated to cataloging the exact moment when you realize a relationship isn’t going to work. This could be years into a romance, on the first date or even before the first date. These stories can be funny, poignant, abysmally sad and universal.
Bastard that I am, I’m much more entertained by the latter, of course. (UPDATE: Since this interviewed aired in 2010, Elder has collected the best stories from his website in book form, as seen above.)
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