Today’s Guest: Guy Kawasaki, author, Reality Check: The Irreverent Guide to Outsmarting, Outmanaging, and Outmarketing Your Competition

Here are some of the things I learned from reading Guy Kawasaki’s new business manual, Reality Check: The Irreverent Guide to Outsmarting, Outmanaging, and Outmarketing Your Competition:
• He only eats at three Silicon Valley restaurants. That way he’ll be remembered by the staff and treated as a regular.
• He flies United Airlines 75 to 100 times a year, but Air Canada only once annually. United gives him deference for this patronage; Air Canada doesn’t know him from, well, me.
• And if you want to suck up to him, tell him he’s not a bad skater for an old guy.
Oh, and there’s a lot of great business direction and tips in the book, too. In fact, if you buy only one book in the next five years to help you get ahead in business, whether analog or digital, make it this book. It’s packed with easy to digest nuggets of sizzling consultant goodness. That’s not sucking up, either—that’s just the truth.
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