Today’s Guest: Legs McNeil, author, Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk, I Slept with Joey Ramone

When Spin magazine started, its staff included two fascinating characters. First was Bob Guccione, Jr., the magazine’s founder and namesake son of the publisher of Penthouse.
And then there was Spin’s senior editor, Legs McNeil.
Legs McNeil!?!
What the hell kind of stupid name was that for a journalist? I mean, I grew up with kids named “Plinky,” “Jiggs,” and “Doine,” but “Legs”?
Well, let me tell you, that guy Legs McNeil could write. Some months, the only copy worth reading in Spin was under his byline.
It wasn’t until years later that I learned that in the early 1970s, McNeil was a co-founder, with John Holmstrom and Ged Dunn, of Punk Magazine, which gave name to an entire musical generation.
McNeil has since written two remarkable non-fiction books, Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk, and The Other Hollywood: The Uncensored Oral History of the Porn Film Industry He’s also involved in a new documentary series unspooling across VH1, Spike, and the Sundance Channel in May called “SEX: The Revolution.”
Because of the nature of these topics, if you’re easily offended – or under 18 – stop listening now. Thank you.
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