Wow! The Book Art of Richard Minsky is 3D cool! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Richard Minsky, 3D book artist, The Book Art of Richard Minsky   Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of Amazon Kindle fans who can’t figure out what the big deal about book art might be… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!   Richard Minsky's... Continue Reading →

Legs McNeil on The Ramones, Spin, Hollywood porno and more! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Legs McNeil, author, Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk, I Slept with Joey Ramone   When Spin magazine started, its staff included two fascinating characters. First was Bob Guccione, Jr., the magazine’s founder and namesake son of the publisher of Penthouse. And then there was Spin’s senior editor, Legs McNeil. Legs McNeil!?!... Continue Reading →

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