Today’s Guest: Bret Carr, writer, director, star, RevoLOUtion

Bret Carr made a movie.
Lots of people make movies these days. Every idiot with a digital camcorder thinks he is Scorsese, Tarantino, or Apatow, but Carr approached his first feature film, RevoLOUtion, a little differently. He landed Quinn Redeker, the man behind The Deer Hunter, to write his screenplay. Rocky composer Bill Conti created the title song. Paul Michael Glaser, best known as Detective Starsky from the classic TV series “Starsky & Hutch,” is a producer. Carr even convinced Burt Young, who played Sylvester Stallone’s brother-in-law in the Rocky films, to be himself in RevoLOUtion.
But who to play Lou Benedetti, the stuttering, somewhat brain-damaged, yet ultimately inspirational star of the film?
That would be Carr himself, who also produced and directed RevoLOUtion. And wait until you hear about his unusual ideas about marketing.
Bret Carr IMDB

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