Today's Guest: Chip Jacobs, author, Strange As It Seems: The Impossible Life of Gordon Zahler, Smogtown Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Chip Jacobs by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of musical geniuses who had no idea how good their lives were... Continue Reading →
Can Monty Python save the world economy? VIDEO INTERVIEW
Today's Guest: Bill Jones, Ben Timlett, documentary filmmakers, Boom Bust Boom (starring Terry Jones of "Monty Python's Flying Circus") Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Bill Jones and Ben Timlett by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of people who always knew... Continue Reading →
1247 Avatar flies to Cirque du Soleil! Watch it! VIDEO INTERVIEW
Today's Guests: Acrobat Dustin Walton, puppeteer Helen Day, performers in Cirque du Soleil's "Toruk: The First Flight," based on James Cameron's film Avatar Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with acrobat Dustin Walston and puppeteer Helen Day by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of... Continue Reading →
1246 Former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young shocks Tampa Bay business community! INTERVIEW
Today's Guest: Andrew Young, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, former Mayor of Atlanta, civil rights activist (Originally published in The Maddux Report, May, 1990; this was the first of three interviews I did with Andrew Young. The most recent was in 2013 for the book Building Atlanta, which I wrote with pioneering black... Continue Reading →
Mr. Skin fast-forwards to the 2016 Best Breast Anatomy Award! VIDEO INTERVIEW
Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Mr. Skin by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of willfully naked starlets who want to be discovered by Mr. Skin and the Skinnettes for their bodies, not their minds… in the NEW new media capital... Continue Reading →
Friends Effing Friends? Indie movie effing goes there! VIDEO INTERVIEW
Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends director Quincy Rose and actress Jillian Leigh by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of twentysomething millenials who want to look but don’t know if they should… in the NEW new media... Continue Reading →
1237 Superbosses will make you yearn for a better boss! VIDEO INTERVIEW
Today's Guest: Sydney Finkelstein, author, Superbosses, Why Smart Executives Fail, Steven Roth Professor of Management at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, director, Tuck’s Center for Leadership Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Sydney Finkelstein by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full... Continue Reading →
The King of Fear novelist Drew Chapman scares me! VIDEO INTERVIEW
Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with novelist Drew Chapman by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of humble public servants who wouldn’t dream of disobeying the boss… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida! Don’t you just... Continue Reading →
1235 Comedian Ritch Shydner on Ramones, News of the Weird! VIDEO INTERVIEW
Today's Guest: Ritch Shydner, comedian Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Ritch Shydner by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of career opening act comedians whose concept of “killing” is the only way they’re ever gonna middle… in the NEW new media capital... Continue Reading →
Cartoonist Jeffrey Brown: Clumsy, Darth Vader, Neanderthals! VIDEO INTERVIEW
Today's Guest: Jeffrey Brown, cartoonist, Darth Vader & Son, Vader's Little Princess, Jedi Academy, Lucy & Andy Neanderthal, Clumsy, Funny Misshapen Body Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Jeffrey Brown by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of Gungans from the planet... Continue Reading →