Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Jeff Morris, a.k.a., R.W. Marcus, by clicking on the video player above!

You think you know a guy!
For as long as I have lived in St. Petersburg, Florida, I have been friends with Jeff Morris, the proprietor of my favorite local used bookstore and comics shop, Wilson’s Bookworld. It’s a business that was started by his mother and which he successfully continued, after her, for decades.
JEFF MORRIS/R.W. MARCUS podcast excerpt: “Anybody that does role-playgames (RPG) or has been a Game Master knows you put an incredible amount of backstory and biography in. In an RPG, the players have free will. I got frustrated with that; I didn’t want players to screw up these characters. If anybody was going to screw them up, it was going to be me!”
Today, Wilson’s Bookworld continues under the third-generation ownership of Jeff’s daughter, Michelle Merkling Jenquin, freeing up Jeff to pursue his long-denied second career: writing pulp fantasy noir!
Under the pen name of R.W. Marcus, one of St. Petersburg’s favorite sons just published The Fate of Tomorrow: Tales of the Annigan Cycle, Book One. It’s the story of an unlikely group of heroic anti-heroes that combines the far-out landscapes and civilizations you might expect from J.R.R. Tolkien with the outlandish characters of James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
I liked it so much that I published it under the Mr. Media Books imprint. Book Two is already written and expected by Christmas 2018, with the final installment of the trilogy due in 2019.
I hope you’ll consider ordering The Fate of Tomorrow wherever you buy or download books and enter the land of the Annigan Cycle with us.
Jeff Morris Website • Facebook • LinkedIn
R.W. Marcus Website • Facebook • Twitter • Goodreads

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