Today’s Guests: Lance Richlin, painter, Rick Rosner, comedy writer, Joseph Orapeza, director of photography, stars of “Lance vs. Rick” a YouTube series
Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Lance Richlin, Rick Rosner and Joseph Orapeza by clicking on the video player above!
Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of lies and the lying liars who tell them … in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!

You know that crazy uncle who comes to every family event and upsets everybody with his strong views on everything politics to religion, and from gay marriage to Cuba?
I’m guessing that that’s the way Rick Rosner and Lance Richlin see each other.
The difference is that they’re not related; they’re best friends.
Who disagree on pretty much everything.
But unlike your crazy uncle, they give each other the opportunity and space to speak their mind and will argue each and every point. When they’re done, little has changed, but they stay friends. Kind of like you and Crazy Uncle Joe are still related even after he drives you fugging nuts.
RICK ROSNER podcast excerpt: “We spent $1 trillion wrecking Iraq; Iraq didn’t have anything to do with 9-11. If we saved the $1 trillion from going to Iraq, we could have hammered Afghanistan or got Pakistan to turn over all the bad guys.”
LANCE RICHLIN podcast excerpt: “I realized that we’re gradually being conditioned into liberalism. It’s very insidious. I’ve gradually thrown off every vestige of socialist leanings. I realized that what is best is old-fashioned capitalist democracy, what America used to be when we were strongest.”
Rosner, with an IQ of 192, is the smartest man in America. He’s also a liberal, award-winning comedy writer. Richlin, whose politics are ultra-conservative, is also in the arts; he is a painter.
The two came together for a 60-hour marathon in which Rosner poses for a portrait of himself painted by his best friend, Richlin. As the painting comes together, video cameras capture them arguing about everything your mother taught you not to discuss in mixed company.
The sessions are now visible to the public as “Lance vs. Rick,” a YouTube TV series. It’s maddening but also pretty funny to watch, because both sides of the political spectrum will find a champion for whom they can root.
Also joining us is director of photography Joseph Orapeza.
Rick Rosner Website • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube • LinkedIn • Blog • Wikipedia • IMDB
Lance Richlin Website • Facebook • Gallery • LinkedIn • Wikipedia • Saatchi Art • Drawspace

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