Today’s Guest: Jensen Karp, co-curator, Hollywood’s Gallery 1988, co-editor, Crazy 4 Cult: Movie Art 2

Are you one of those people who admits, “I don’t know art, but I know what I like”?
Have I got an art gallery for you!
Katie Cromwell and Jensen Karp opened Gallery 1988 as a place the common filmgoer could enter and not feel intimidated. The work they exhibit and sell puts a spotlight on emerging artists who have a pop culture bent.
JENSEN KARP podcast excerpt: “We look for artists who take these these pop culture icons and storylines. Our goal is to find someone who puts their own spin on it. We don’t want to see someone take Bill Murray’s face and screen print it on to a white piece of paper. Anyone can do that! We want to see someone take their personal style and put it into this pop culture.”
Located at the world famous Hollywood, California, corner of Melrose and La Brea, Cromwell and Karp have developed a reputation over the past decade for showcasing art that appeals to a wide palette of tastes, from filmgoers to filmmakers.
Along the way, the proprietors of Gallery 1988 mined a particular vein of interest in cult movie art.
And because not everyone can visit their location in person, they have produced two coffee table collections featuring the best of this work. Joining me today to discuss the latest volume of Crazy 4 Cult: Movie Art 2, is Jensen Karp.
And while you may not yet know the names of the artists themselves, I feel safe in saying that everyone will find something to like in works inspired by The Shining, Alien, Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, Little Shop of Horrors, Edward Scissorhands, Donnie Darko, The Big Lebowski, Shaun of the Dead and many more.
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