1070 Crazy 4 Cult? Movie art with a twist in Gallery 1988 books! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Jensen Karp, co-curator, Hollywood's Gallery 1988, co-editor, Crazy 4 Cult: Movie Art 2   Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Jensen Karp by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of squirrelly art critics who don’t know Renoir from Aaron Rents… in the NEW new... Continue Reading →

Four minutes in the life of filmmaker Morgan Spurlock! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Morgan Spurlock, documentary filmmaker, Comic-Con Episode IV A Fans Hope, Super Size Me   Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of comic book fans who – spoiler alert! Spoiler alert! They already know how this and every other story ends!… in the new new media capital of the world… St.... Continue Reading →

Mr. Media commercial by Kevin Smith and Jen Schwalbach! (2011)

  This was so cool, I had to share it again! In 2011, I took a flyer on a paid commercial for the Mr. Media podcast on Kevin Smith's new Smodcast daily, online radio show, Plus One Per Diem. The show features Smith, the director of Clerks, Chasing Amy and Red State, and his wife,... Continue Reading →

705 How to ask 30 top directors about the film that changed their life! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Robert K. Elder, author, The Film That Changed My Life   My 14-year-old son is thinking a lot about college these days and just last night asked me, “Why did you get a degree in film studies?” Good question, but I had to weigh telling him the truth with giving an answer that... Continue Reading →

713 Samantha Lockwood takes Jay Mewes to romantic comedy hell! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Samantha Lockwood, actor, Shoot the Hero   Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of slobbering horndogs in the new new media capital of the world and home of the best team in baseball… St. Petersburg, Florida!   What’s a stunningly beautiful actress like Samantha Lockwood doing in a hail of... Continue Reading →

Guillermo Diaz rolls from Weeds to Scandal! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Guillermo Diaz, actor, "Weeds," "Mercy," "Scandal"   I’m gonna be honest with you—I’m far more interested in talking with Guillermo Diaz about his last role—as, curiously, “Guillermo”—in “Weeds,” in which he played Mary Louise Parker’s drug dealer, teacher, friend, antagonist, protector—hey, it was complicated. That Guillermo was one scary mofo. This Guillermo is... Continue Reading →

69 Chris Gore issues another Film Threat! INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Chris Gore, publisher, Film Threat magazine Originally published in 1996. No more "Casting Couch" tales from would-be starlets. No more midnight prank calls to Chevy Chase about non-existent films. And instead of crashing film festivals, Chris Gore will be sponsoring them. These are just some of the changes readers will note when Film... Continue Reading →

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