Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of Don Geronimo, Mike O’Meara, Robb Spewak, Joe Ardinger, Tom Gavin, and Dennis Murphy holograms… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!
“In San Francisco, Bay Area Rapid Transit officials are looking for to a couple who had intercourse on a seat in a BART train. The cops are forced to keep watching the video over and over in an effort to identify the suspects. If caught, the couple could be banned from riding the train ever, ever again…”
In other news…
Buzz Burbank is back, everybody!
BUZZ BURBANK podcast interview excerpt: “‘Buzz Burbank’ was a name that originally came to Don Geronimo and he used it to tiptoe around on the Internet chat rooms to see what people were saying about his radio show. He also said to himself if he ever needed an air name besides ‘Don Geronimo,’ that he would use ‘Buzz Burbank.’ When I showed up at ‘The Don & Mike Show’ in 1991, we needed a name for me because there was already a Mike on the show–Mike O’Meara. So Don named me Buzz Burbank. I didn’t like it at first, because ‘Buzz,’ to me, sounded like an astronaut with a crewcut. But quickly grew on me. I’m very happy now to be Buzz Burbank.”
The longtime newsman and fixture of the syndicated “Don & Mike Show” has resurfaced as his own man and host of the podcast “Buzz Burbank News & Comment.” It’s everything fans always enjoyed—relevance and irrelevance, stately and silly—but now roughly five times as long.
Buzz—and no, that isn’t his real name, but who cares—was always the voice of reason on The Don & Mike Show, especially when Don’s relative straight man, Mike, went too far out to fit the role.
He always presented real news, but there was always a twist. Not a Les Nessman twist offered naively as on “WKRP in Cincinnati”; more like a combination of Robin Quivers providing comment on stories to Howard Stern with George Carlin serving up the day’s factoids and a wink of irony. Not to mention Stephen Colbert’s trademarked truthiness.
When The Don & Mike Show ended in 2008, Buzz followed Mike O’Meara to podcasting and was a staple of his show for four years, walking away from it on May 20, 2013.
Just a few weeks later, Buzz launched “Buzz Burbank News & Comment”—heard at and on iTunes—which brought him, uh, here.
I know a lot of Mr. Media viewers and listeners might not know Buzz Burbank or even the Don & Mike Show, but it was must-hear afternoon listening for me over the years—that is, whenever the local Tampa Bay radio station put it on. The leads on the show had a sometimes ugly, on-and-off relationship with the CBS station that carried them here, so there are big gaps in my listenership, sadly.
A lot of broadcast newscasters have been guests on this show, including Bob Schieffer, Lester Holt, and the O’Briens, Miles and Soledad. But none of them brought the equivalent heft of today’s man of the quarter-hour.
Buzz Burbank Website • Facebook • Twitter • The Marc and Lowell Show

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