Today’s Guest: Jacques Boyreau, author, Sexytime
Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of 1970s porn starlets who wish they were as interesting as their movie posters… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!

I had a lot of really great jobs as both a high school and college student in my youth, from hauling carpets in a Sandler & Worth retail store to working in E=MC2, a science fiction bookstore across the street from Princeton University and being a substitute rural mailman.
But my favorite was working as a ticket taker, usher and concessionaire at the Royal Park Cinemas 4 in Gainesville, Florida.
Frankly, a lot of my memories of that place revolve around sex. There was the time our manager, Mr. Symons, defied local police warnings and ran the classic full-length porno, Debbie Does Dallas. You know, the one where the panicked guy says, “Don’t choke, baby! Don’t die!”
Yup, that one. And the police shut us down on Friday night after oh, I don’t know, the second or third showing they monitored. (The staff watched it, as was tradition, on Thursday night after the projectionist assembled it.)
JACQUES BOYREAU podcast excerpt: “Pornography is a type of storage device for our species and contains an unbelievable amount of information — not just the obvious!”
It was the Royal Park where I met the first girls I ever had sex with myself. And it was where it seemed like all we ever did was talk about sex — getting it and not getting it.
I also got one of my first major magazine assignments thanks to the theater when adult film director Russ Meyers came to the Royal Park to promote his new film, Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens. My future best man, Allen Solomon, and I had a two-hour lunch with the legendary director and had to return later to collect our jaws.

And the Royal Park was also where, late one night after the weekly midnight screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, my co-workers and I discovered a treasure trove of neatly folded ’70s porno movie posters behind a silver screen.
I cannot tell a lie: by now, someone has probably discovered that the one-sheets for Flesh Gordon, Sex World and many others are no longer in their hiding spot.
Fast-forward many year and I saw a tease for Sexytime: The Post-Porn Rise of the Pornoisseur. It was a book after my own nostalgic heart — even if I don’t know exactly what a “Pornoisseur” is.
Joining me to explain it all is Jacques Boyreau, co-editor with Peter Van Horne of Sexytime.
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