Today’s Guests: Actress Aubrey Dollar & Director John Burgess, One Small Hitch
Watch the exclusive Mr. Media interview with One Small Hitch actress Aubrey Dollar and director John Burgess by clicking on the video player above!
Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of young men and women whose lives are already comedic but will never be described as romantic… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!

I can describe the appeal of director John Burgess’s new romantic indie comedy in two words:
Human moments.
Moments of doubt…
… of lust…
… of heartache…
… of weakness…
… and, ultimately, of satisfaction.
AUBREY DOLLAR podcast excerpt: “There’s a shot in the film that’s just my thigh. It’s a strange experience to be in a movie theater and your thigh is 20 feet tall and all these people around you are looking at your thigh. That’s a weird thing.”
Indie comedies are a lot like a box of months-old chocolates: you truly never know whether what you find will be fresh or stale. Small, low-budget films can either be crushed by the single-mindedness of a director who can’t see the thorns while stepping on the heart, or they can be infused with blood, sweat and tears by a director who understands the delicacy of tone over body parts and crudeness.
In One Small Hitch, John Burgess captures the latter. This is one sweet, charming, funny movie. If I wasn’t 25 years out of the dating pool, I’d want to take a first date to see this movie.
JOHN BURGESS podcast excerpt: “One of the things an audience can’t fake is laughter.”
Much of the credit, I think, goes to the performance of beautiful Aubrey Dollar, who will remind you of Isla Fisher in Wedding Crashers. She plays up the funny and ironic with perfect exuberance and arrives at moments of angst with just enough sadness to make us root for her without finding her character, Molly Mahoney, pathetic and whiny.
One Small Hitch just debuted at the 2013 Cinequest Film Festival and will be appearing in film festivals across the country in the coming months as the producers seek a U.S. theatrical distribution deal. The movie is already available on BSkyB in the UK and in theaters across Europe.
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Dude, I love your reviews but you talk too much. Either you review or you interview.