Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of teenage gypsies, tramps and thieves who are having trouble looking me in the eye right now… in the NEW new media capitol of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!

Who could possibly lie in the face of NBC correspondent Harry Smith? (Other than soulless CBS News executives, that is.)
C’mon – that face, those eyes? He’s got Honest Abe written all over him.
HARRY SMITH podcast excerpt: “The teachers and the principals were literally changing the answers on the tests so some of the schools in low-performing districts would look a lot better than they were.”
We’ll see tonight when Smith takes on what may be the worst test tampering scandal in American public school history. It happened in Atlanta and Smith promises to reveal what wrong on the NBC-TV newsmagazine “Rock Center with Brian Williams.”
(I was surprised that this happened in Georgia, not Florida, where so much weight has been put on the FCAT standardized tests in recent years.)
Smith’s story will take viewers behind the scenes of a 10-month investigation set off by Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue.
Watch it tonight, Monday, November 28, at 10 p.m.
Harry Smith Wikipedia • Twitter
And the TOP SCHOOL continues with the same PRINCIPAL in a position of leadership.
This is a political game of NORTHSIDE SCHOOLS vs SOUTHSIDE SCHOOLS. The real cheating scandal starts with Atlanta’s Chamber of Commerce. You need to dig a little deeper on the ROOTS of this problem.