Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience that includes William Jennings Bryan, Clarence Darrow and my good friend, Alec Holland… in the new new media capitol of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!

I would love to play stupid and say I don’t know the first thing about wetlands law, however I learned just enough in my years of real estate reporting in Florida to be dangerous.
So I may still play the part of Watson to my good friend Roy Gardner’s Holmes as we investigate the case law presented in his provocative new book, Lawyers, Swamps and Money.
Although ostensibly a book that Roy will use in teaching classes in his role as professor at Stetson University College of Law here in Gulfport, Florida, I imagine it will be a must-have resource for wetlands mitigation attorneys in the United States and beyond, as well as a handy cheat sheet for environmental reporters.
ROY GARDNER podcast excerpt: “We have seen a significant rollback in environmental protection at the state level; not as much at the federal level.”
For those of you who have spent a lifetime hearing the term “wetlands” but still don’t know what it means, we’ll start by asking Roy to explain the term in simple English and go from there.

Considering that Chapter One of his book alone includes references to everything from The Hound of the Baskervilles and Monty Python and the Holy Grail to Swamp Thing and The X-Files, if Warren Zevon is not available, I think my friend Roy is the right man for the job.
And yes, I said “friend.” We first met a decade ago when our daughters played t-ball together and our families remain close today, especially with Roy and Mary’s daughter Meggie and our Rachel being the best of friends.
Roy Gardner Order Lawyers, Swamps, and Money from

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