Today’s Guest: Geefwee Boedoe, documentary film director, Let’s Pollute
Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of whiny consumers sitting through this interview just long enough to see what free stuff Oprah is going to hand out… in the new new media capitol of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!

Apparently, Geefwee Boedoe watched a lot of filmstrips back in elementary school.
You know the kind I’m talking about. The ones that broke down every complicated issue from understanding the Constitution to what a molecule is and could explain away any topic in about six minutes with simplistic animation and catchy but somewhat silly musical jingles.
This young director learned his lessons well, turning the medium upside-down and inside-out for his 2010 Academy Award-nominated Best Animated Short, Let’s Pollute.
GEEFWEE BOEDOE podcast excerpt: “For me, Let’s Pollute was a personal thing. I had a whole list of other ideas, but this one rose to the top. It seemed more timely.”
Boedoe attacks rampant consumerism, waste and the related politics with a seemingly gentle nature that disguises a vicious attack on modern attitudes in our throw-away society.
Waste not, want not? Oh, no! “Waste it! Want it!” is the tongue in toxic chic message of Let’s Pollute.
Let’s Pollute Website • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube

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