Today’s Guest: Laurent Bouzereau, film producer, director, author, Hitchcock: Piece By Piece

Psycho. Vertigo. Rear Window. The 39 Steps.
It’s hard to imagine that an entire generation has grown up without Alfred Hitchcock as one of our leading, active filmmakers.
The man was so imaginative, so inventive, so… unpredictable, that even on the rare occasion that one of his films failed to ignite the box office, it was probably still more memorable than most anyone else’s work.
LAURENT BOUZEREAU podcast excerpt: “I think I offer a very unique point of view of what to look for in a Hitchcock film… something many directors today do not have.”
You can LISTEN to this interview with LAURENT BOUZEREAU, author of HITCHCOCK: PIECE BY PIECE, by clicking the audio player above!
I remember the first time we forced my now 14-year-old daughter to watch Rear Window with us on TV—the original, black and white version with Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly. She resisted and resisted—until it started. Then it held her rapt until the end. And she has watched our old VHS version on family trips many time since then.

Hitchcock wasn’t an actor, per se, but his fans knew him as a character, both for slipping in and out of a scene in virtually every film, but also for the thumbprint he left on everything he touched. A Hitchcock movie was as distinct as a Martin Scorsese, a Woody Allen or a John Ford.
Laurent Bouzereau, author of the illustrated Alfred Hitchcock biography, Hitchcock: Piece by Piece, isn’t the first to try and capture the Hitchcock signature magic between the pages of a book, but he does bring a unique level of access to his project.
Bouzereau is a filmmaker who has specialized in creating documentary “Making of” films for numerous Hitchcock films, including Saboteur, Rope, Rear Window, The Man Who Knew Too Much, Psycho, The Birds, Marnie and many, many more. He the faith and trust of the Hitchcock estate, which entrusted him to reproduce hundreds of rare family and set photos as well as correspondence and documents.
If you’re a film fan, you’ll want to own this book—and listen to this interview.
Laurent Bouzereau Facebook • IMDB • Wikipedia • Nedland Media

Where’s the audio player here?
Fan of both Hitchcock and Bouzereau’s making-of docs! And have to tell him something regarding…
Hi — Audio player is at top of page. Bob