Today’s Guest: Richard Levy, inventor, “Furby,” author, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cashing In On Your Inventions, 2nd Edition

Who hasn’t dreamed of inventing something brilliant and retiring early from the rat race to enjoy the fruits of their genius?
I, for instance, always thought I could invent stuff if I put my mind to it. But then complicated notions such as math and science always got in the way and I’d return to my true love, architecture.
Yeah, right.
RICHARD C. LEVY podcast excerpt: “I said the game wasn’t quite ready. The president of the company said, ‘You have a choice. We can either sell a million Fords or we can wait for a Lincoln.’ I said, ‘Sell the Fords.'”
You can LISTEN to this interview with RICHARD C. LEVY, author of THE COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO CASHING IN ON YOUR INVENTIONS, by clicking the audio player above!
Anyway, Richard C. Levy has not only invented some cool stuff—he’s brought the world everything from the Furby toy to the Adverteasing board game—he’s also put his knowledge and experience into a book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cashing In On Your Inventions. It’s jam-packed with advice, information and direction for anyone with a great idea and a yearning to see it through to reality.
One more thing about Levy: he’s originally from Scranton, Pennsylvania, home of another great invention: the Dunder Mifflin paper company.
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