Today’s Guest: Paula Garces, actress, “Warehouse 13,” Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

Paula Garces is beautiful, smart and ambitious, which makes for a combustible mix is Hollywood.
She’s held her own on the critically acclaimed FX series “The Shield” and maintained both her mystery and dignity in both Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle and Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. She just finished shooting the third movie in the series, A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas (in 3D!) and is currently driving Pete crazy as a snappy, sexy veterinarian on the SyFy hit “Warehouse 13.”
So the natural next move is hosting a fashion show on the Spanish network The mun2, right?
PAULA GARCES podcast excerpt: “Eddie McClintock is fabulous. He is a really funny guy. A lot of what you see in his character are his ideas… When I was first approached about the role on Warehouse 13, there was a possibility it might extend beyond two episodes. After they saw our energy together, the producers extended us to six episodes. And they left it open for me to come back next season. It’s lots of fun.”
“The mun2 Look” kicks off its second cycle on Saturday, August 21 at 4 p.m. But Paula is not just the host; she’s also the show’s executive producer and co-host.
This is Paula’s second visit to Mr. Media Radio; she previously joined me to talk about the second Harold & Kumar movie and her involvement in Alex Ferrari’s short film, Red Princess Blues Animated.
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