Today’s Guest: Brittany Perry-Russell, actress, dancer, Honey 2

Maybe the name Brittany Perry-Russell is not instantly recognizable to you. It probably wouldn’t be, not unless you’re in the music business and you go by the name of Rhianna. Or Lil Wayne. Or Usher. Or Ciara.
Or Michael Jackson. She was a dancer for what became the singer’s final production, captured forever in the DVD This Is It.
And “Glee” TV fans might recognize her as a “Cheerio” from one of her four recent appearances as a cheerleader on the Fox show.
BRITTANY PERRY-RUSSELL podcast excerpt: “I love working on ‘Glee.’ By far it’s been one of my favorite TV shows to work on. And I love Jane Lynch. I’m a big fan.”
Brittany is one of the industry’s most talented and sought-after dancers, someone who makes a dramatic impression in every music video in which she appears. The problem with those is that they’re highly visible but largely uncredited roles.
Likewise, the national Listerine commercial Brittany made. You’ve probably seen that spot on TV, felt yourself smiling back at the face—grinning at you and returned to your regularly scheduled program.
Well, that face is about to get an indelible name: Brittany Perry-Russell.
She just finished shooting her biggest movie role to date as one of the leads in the movie Honey 2, a Universal Studios release scheduled for February 2011. You might have head of the original 2003 film called Honey: it starred another young actress on her way up: Jessica Alba.
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