Today’s Guest: Walt Willey, actor, “All My Children”
Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of people who remember when soap operas were on the radio and television would never catch on… in the NEW new media capitol of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!

During my brief flirtation with the ABC soap opera “All My Children” as a newlywed in the late 1980s who didn’t refuse his wife much of anything, let alone his company, I always remembered the character of Jackson “Jack” Montgomery.
The actor who portrayed Montgomery, Walt Willey, seemed out of place to me, a little too lighthearted even when the scene called for serious, a guy having fun at all times, winking to the audience that he knew the story lines were often sillier than silly.
WALT WILLEY podcast excerpt
“People ask me, ‘Is Susan Lucci really nice?’ Yeah, Susan is really nice! Erica, however, I wouldn’t have anything to do with in real life more than one. Maybe twice.”
Fans of this show know I’m not a regular watcher of the soaps, but I know Willey is not your average soap star, either. When he’s not taping new episodes of AMC, he’s working as a standup comedian. And when he’s not doing either of those professional pursuits, he and his wife run the Crystal Mesa Farm Bed & Breakfast in Sante Fe, New Mexico.
Don’t miss his story of flying home with fellow actor Val Kilmer and how they spent the time discussing… Susan Lucci!
Walt Willey Website • Crystal Mesa Farm Bed and Breakfast • All My Children official site