Today’s Guests: Dave Roman, Alison Wilgus, co-authors, The Last Airbender: Prequel: Zuko’s Story

“Dad, my friends and I want to have an ‘Avatar’ sleepover marathon and then go see The Last Airbender movie in the morning. You said that would be okay weeks ago…”
Apparently, Aang is knocking at the door and I’m in danger of being besieged—by teenage girls. Oh, the humanities!!!
Seriously, it’s not that bad.
DAVE ROMAN podcast excerpt: “Kids really identify with and feel empowered by Avatar: The Last Airbender. And parents seem to enjoy it as well. They each get something different out of it; and yet it’s not like Shrek where kids don’t get the adult jokes.”
You can LISTEN to this interview with DAVE ROMAN and ALISON WILGUS, co-authors of THE LAST AIRBENDER: PREQUEL: ZUKO’S STORY, by clicking the audio player above!
Of all the questionable cartoons Rachel has watched over the years, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” on Nickelodeon has been one with which I’ve never taken issue on content or quality. This Japanese anime import has impressed many parents with its quality stories, humor and humanity. It’s never been a source of mindless violence or sexploitation that is often rife in the genre.
On Thursday, July 1, the story of Aang—the young boy with the unmistakable arrow on his head—comes to movie screens as a 3-D flesh-and-blood story by M. Night Shyamalan and effects straight out of The Matrix movies.
Joining me today are Dave Roman and Alison Wilgus, who have written two graphic novels—manga, if you will—featuring Aang, The Last Airbender. The first is a prequel, Zuko’s Story, illustrated by Nina Matsumoto; the second, an adaptation inspired by The Last Airbender film and illustrated by Joon Choi.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Website • Dave Roman blog • Alison Wilgus website • Order Zuko’s Story from • Order The Last Airbender on DVD

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