Dogs that can express themselves in a language we can all understand are nothing new.
Remember the movie Cats & Dogs? One dog had the voice of Tobey McGuire, another the sonorous tones of Alec Baldwin.
But how many dogs have written books about their adventures?
Point for Chet the Dog, sidekick of Bernie Little and sole employee of the Little Detective Agency and—do you smell that? Hint of bacon, ground black pepper, sizzling burgers on the grill…
Where was I?
CHET the DOG podcast excerpt podcast excerpt: “Everything is dictated in a mental telepathy way, through Spencer Quinn, whose name also appears on the books. I would call him my muse; he’s the interface with the publishing business. But the stories are mine.”
Oh, right, the Chet and Bernie mystery series. Book one, Dog Gone It, was a big hit, quickly followed by the just published Thereby Hangs A Tail. Both books are narrated by Chet the Dog, who is a pretty adept storyteller, except for when he gets distracted by the smell of food, another dog’s butt, fresh pastries, Frisbees, baseballs…
Chet also has some problems remembering details a short time after an event occurs, but once he catches a scent the second time, the large incisors are known around the desert to take a big bite out of crime. And criminals.
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