Today’s Guest: Ken Blanchard, author, Helping People Win at Work, The One-Minute Manager

I figure I’ve got 60 seconds to interest you in today’s interview with Ken Blanchard.
If you have to ask why 60 seconds, you obviously don’t know my guest’s work. He’s best known as the management expert and author of The One-Minute Manager, but his latest book, Helping People Win at Work, actually screams that Blanchard is “The New York Times Best-Selling Author of Over 18 Million Books!”
I hope that’s just hyperbole. I’ve written or co-authored 10 books, many about business, and I know it’s hard work. How he found time to author 18 million books, I’ll never know.
But I digress, and valuable seconds are ticking away.
KEN BLANCHARD podcast excerpt:”When I was a college professor, I would always give out the final exam on the first day of class… When they get to the final exam, they should get an A. Garry Ridge said, ‘Wow, that ought to be an organization!’ We hope to change the way people are evaluated in organizations.”
Helping People Win at Work is a unique concept: it’s a case study written with Garry Ridge, who—as CEO of the WD-40 Company—happens to be the subject of the case study. And this book is a follow-up to another Blanchard book, Leading at a Higher Level.
Hey—good news: I introduced my guest in under a minute.
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