Today’s Guest: Novelist Jim Butcher, author of The Dresden Files.

I am NOT the world’s biggest Harry Potter fan. The only book in the series that I’ve read is the first, which my wife and I took turns reading aloud to my daughter when she was just learning to read herself.
Since then, they’ve consumed each and every book in the series and re-read the books and re-watch the movies over and over.
So I wasn’t sure how interested I’d be when I received the graphic novel version of Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files. More magic? Oy.
But let me tell you, this is one cool series. I love the notion of a wizard operating within the almost real world of Chicago, working at arm’s length from both the police and organized crime. If Harry Potter’s continued into adulthood and into the real world of modern London, I’d probably give them another look.
The Dresden Files began and continues as a series of novels. It was also, briefly, a syndicated television series. If you need a jumping on point, try the graphic novel, which is adapted by Mark Powers and drawn by Ardian Syaf. And then you can follow me backward into reading the books.
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