I thought long and hard about how do introduce this special program celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Acme Comedy Theatre. I thought about how, in modern times, a lot of great comedy has come from Los Angeles. Charlie Chaplin, for instance. Ronald Reagan. Paulie Shore.
And then I thought, maybe I should leave the funny stuff up to the comics from Acme. So I’m going to shut up and explain the format of this show.
Joining us first will be Dan Kane, the owner of the theatre. He’ll then be joined by the theatre’s founder and director, Travis Oates, who will be followed in succession by performers Julie Wittner, Kevin Small, Jen Parker, Rich Keith and Claudia Dolph.
Before I bring Dan on, let me tell you that the Acme Comedy Theatre is located at 135 North La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90036. For tickets: acmecomedy.com.
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