Oh, Baby! Blues cartoonist Rick Kirkman may be year’s best! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Rick Kirkman, cartoonist, "Baby Blues"     You can watch Baby Blues co-creator and 2013 Cartoonist of the Year nominee Rick Kirkman sketch characters from the daily newspaper strip in the exclusive Mr. Media® video interview above!  Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of sleepless, brainless new parents who have... Continue Reading →

Nate Fakes? Only a cartoonist could be named that, right? VIDEO INTERVIEW

    Watch the exclusive Mr. Media interview with Nate Fakes by clicking on the video player above!Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of wannabe cartoonists who all got rejected by newspaper syndicates for being unable to draw or write funny gags day after day after day after day… in the NEW... Continue Reading →

Rhymes With Orange? Hilary Price cracks up Mr. Media! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Hilary Price, cartoonist, "Rhymes with Orange"   Things I learned about “Rhymes With Orange” syndicated cartoonist Hilary Price by reading her blog: • She wears a size 40 shoe—by Euro measures. • She went to Cuba with several cartoonists recently. The trip was organized by Jeannie Schulz, widow of “Peanuts” cartoonist Charles Schulz.... Continue Reading →

Pearls Before Swine ratted out by cartoonist Stephan Pastis! PODCAST INTERVIEW

  Stephan Pastis is a big fan of Ricky Gervais, creator of "The Office" and "Extras," and Larry David, co-creator of "Seinfeld" and creator of "Curb Your Enthusiasm." He also loves him some Cheryl Hines. As a matter of fact, I think the only reason I landed him on the show today is because I... Continue Reading →

Cartoonist Mort Walker on creating Beetle Bailey, Hi and Lois! PODCAST INTERVIEW

  Mort Walker is the dean and -- in some ways -- the curator of American cartoonists. Best known for his long-running strips “Beetle Bailey” and “Hi & Lois,” Walker, 84, is also a bedrock member of the National Cartoonists Society, and he’s the founder and energy behind the National Cartoon Museum. This is the... Continue Reading →

1 Cartoonist Mark Tatulli tattles on his weird kid, LIO! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Mark Tatulli, daily cartoonist creator, "LIO," "Heart of the City."   (EDITOR'S NOTE: This was the very first Mr. Media® Interviews podcast, recorded January 19, 2007. We've improved the sound a bit and hope you'll enjoy discovering it!) "LIO" is the creation of Mark Tatulli, and he’s a fresh brand of weird and... Continue Reading →

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