Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Quincy Rose and Augie Duke by clicking on the video player above! Pity the poor indie filmmaker. I’m sitting around for three years with nothing better to do than be anxious for Quincy Rose’s follow-up to the brilliantly titled and whack-a-doodle Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends,... Continue Reading →
Elijah’s Ashes? Dad brings brothers together, tears apart! VIDEO INTERVIEW
Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Ryan Barton-Grimley by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of men who can say whatever they like about their brothers and step-brothers – but you can’t… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg,... Continue Reading →
Friends Effing Friends? Indie movie effing goes there! VIDEO INTERVIEW
Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends director Quincy Rose and actress Jillian Leigh by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of twentysomething millenials who want to look but don’t know if they should… in the NEW new media... Continue Reading →