Love Worth Making advice sold here! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Stephen Snyder, MD, sex and couples therapist, author, Love Worth Making: How to Have Ridiculously Great Sex in a Long-Lasting Relationship     Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Stephen Snyder, MD, by clicking on the video player above!  Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience full of sexually frustrated... Continue Reading →

Mindfulness For Dummies gets mojo on j-o-b! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Shamash Alidina, author of Mindfulness For Dummies, is a professional mindfulness trainer, teacher and lecturer. He trained in mindfulness at the Centre For Mindfulness in Bangor and he has a Masters degree in Education, with a focus on brain and behaviour. Shamash is qualified as a professional coach and he has a certificate in Counselling... Continue Reading →

Career counselor admits Life’s A Bitch, Work’s A Bitch! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Andrea Kay, author, Life's a Bitch and Then You Change Careers: 9 Steps to Get You Out of Your Funk & on to Your Future   It sucks to be unemployed right now and, strangely, it’s not much more comforting to be employed, is it? This seems like an opportune time to talk... Continue Reading →

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