Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of recently bathed, well-dressed comic book fans who… aw, who am I kidding? The only thing true in this script is that Mr. Media is recorded more or less live in the NEW new media capital of the world and home of the best team... Continue Reading →
603 The Last Airbender gets graphic novel treatment! PODCAST INTERVIEW
Today's Guests: Dave Roman, Alison Wilgus, co-authors, The Last Airbender: Prequel: Zuko's Story “Dad, my friends and I want to have an ‘Avatar’ sleepover marathon and then go see The Last Airbender movie in the morning. You said that would be okay weeks ago…” Apparently, Aang is knocking at the door and I’m in danger... Continue Reading →
Brendan McGinley sends Hannibal to Rome! PODCAST INTERVIEW
If you’re worried about the future of comic books, drop by It’s the online home of one writer and four artists, a place to see examples of their work as well as full graphic novels, plus you can order hard copy of their products. BRENDAN McGINLEY podcast excerpt: "If you're working with good... Continue Reading →
Historian Paul Buhle talks Kurtzman, Wisconsin comics scene! PODCAST INTERVIEW
What’s so special about Wisconsin, anyway? My home state, New Jersey, has tomatoes, Sinatra, Springsteen, Atlantic City, the Turnpike and The Sopranos. What’s Wisconsin got? Cheese, the Green Bay Packers, cheese, comics, cheese—did I mention cheese? PAUL BUHLE podcast excerpt: "Al Capone vacationed and hid in Wisconsin. And was caught. That should tell you... Continue Reading →
Archie Marries Betty and Michael Uslan is there! PODCAST INTERVIEW
Today's Guest: Michael Uslan, comic book writer, "Archie Marries Betty" I remember the first time I encountered Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica, Reggie, Moose, Mr. Weatherbee, Miss Grundy, Hot Dog and the rest of the Riverdale gang. It was in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 1971, and we were visiting our cousins, the Sirotkins. Fred Sirotkin, the youngest... Continue Reading →
394 Free time? Tony Isabella’s 1000 Comic Books You Must Read! PODCAST INTERVIEW
Today's Guest: Tony Isabella, comic book writer, creator, "Black Lightning," author, 1,000 Comic Books You Must Read I remember the day I met Tony Isabella back in the mid-1970s. I was in the back of my friend Bob Pinaha’s brown Ford Pinto—the car in which I later learned to drive—and we drove to Newark International... Continue Reading →
Check out Al Williamson’s Flash Gordon artwork! PODCAST INTERVIEW
Flash Gordon. Has there ever been a cooler name or a cooler action hero anywhere? I can’t remember exactly when during the 1960s I first saw the old Universal serials repeated on television featuring Buster Crabbe as Flash, but I was hooked for life. As I grew older, I was a sucker for any... Continue Reading →
From Headrack to Stuck Rubber Baby, still Howard Cruse, still gay! PODCAST INTERVIEW
I met cartoonist Howard Cruse in March 2004 at the Ringling School of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. He was one of the featured guests at the college’s “Comics Summit on Diversity,” an event that included Mary GrandPre, illustrator of the Harry Potter novels and American master Will Eisner, whose biography I was... Continue Reading →
DC artist Freddie Williams’ how-to Digitally Drawing Comics! PODCAST INTERVIEW
Today's Guest: Freddie E. Williams II, comic book artist, The DC Comics Guide to Digitally Drawing Comics I am old enough to remember what a sensation Stan Lee and John Buscema caused back in 1978 when the book, How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way, was published. That book promised to pull back the curtain... Continue Reading →
Josh Neufeld talks A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge! PODCAST INTERVIEW
There are all kinds of journalistic storytelling styles, starting with your basic who/what/when/where and why. There is also “if it bleeds, it leads.” And let’s not forget the “New Journalism” class of the 1960s and ‘70s, exemplified by everyone from Tom Wolfe to Truman Capote it used dramatic literary techniques to add depth to... Continue Reading →