Today’s Guest: J. Anthony Brown, comedian, co-host, ‘The Tom Joyner Morning Show”
Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Comedian J. Anthony Brown, co-star of ‘The Tom Joyner Morning Show,” by clicking on the video player above!
Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of J. Anthony Brown fans who just know the poor bastard made a wrong turn in his career to have landed here… in the NEW new media capital of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!

J Anthony Brown has a lot of profound life advice to share.
Sure, some of you know him as a comedian, a guy producing laughs as a part of “The Tom Joyner Morning Show.”
But the more I get to know him, I think we should bite our tongue and take notes from the big man in the purple suit.
J. ANTHONY BROWN podcast excerpt: “I talk all the time about how parallel the lives and careers of Howard Stern and Tom Joyner are. They both started a medium–one black, one white–both are college graduates, both want to be comedians, both been married twice, both love comedians, both have anchor people that sound like they’re white, both are excellent interviewers, both changed the game of radio.”
Some gems from The Book of J:
• Sometimes you just have to cuss a muthaf+cka out.
• I could lose weight, too, if I saw Barry White naked.
J. ANTHONY BROWN podcast excerpt: “Hannibal Buress was the first comedian to do a stretch about Bill Cosby and the news people picked it up. That had to have changed his life. Bill Cosby was a big hypocrite… He thought he was above everything and (he told comedians) it wasn’t cool to curse. But not only was he cursing offstage, he was trying to f+ck everything that didn’t move!”
• Don’t beg for oral s@x.

• Sh!t happens to white people, too. Every week, some white person falls in a goddam hole.
• And one more, “Try my hot sauce.”
(Okay that last one was a free plug for J Anthony Brown’s Hotter Than A MoFo Hot Sauce and snacks – because he’s not doing my show just ‘cause I’m a good conversationalist, folks.)

J. ANTHONY BROWN podcast excerpt: “Comedy is so diverse now because of the Internet and television. We have this tendency to find comedians that we can connect with. Blacks tend to go to shows where there are black comics. Whites tend to go to shows where there are white comics. Hispanics tend to go to shows where there are Hispanic comics. Lesbians tend to go to shows where they are doing a lot of lesbian jokes. It’s like music; you listen to what you like. It doesn’t mean I couldn’t go in front of white people and make them laugh; I can. But my fan base is predominantly black. Once a black comedian becomes big like Kevin Hart, white people have a tendency to go, ‘Oh, who’s that guy?’ And then they’ll go see him. We don’t have to perform in front of other races. We can make a nice living just performing at black clubs. There are white comics that have never been in front of a black audience. They don’t have to. But I tell black comics to find some place, once a month, where you can go in front of a white audience. It makes your mindset different. It gives you the ability to make everybody laugh.”
J also sings – have you ever heard “I’m a Black Man and I Like Country Music, Too”? What about “Ceelo’s Hands”? Or “Started Liking Women, Now I’m Gay”?
One more line of wisdom from the J Man: If cussin’ offends you, you better get the f@ck out… And if you’re under 18, you must leave now. We’ll wait.
J. Anthony Brown Website • Facebook • Wikipedia • IMDB • Order Forty-Nine Shades of Brown by J. Anthony Brown
Hotter Than A MoFo Sauce Website
J. Anthony Brown’s J Spot Comedy Club in Los Angeles Website • Facebook • Twitter • YouTube
Tom Joyner Morning Show Website • Facebook • Twitter • Wikipedia • Tom Joyner Foundation • Instagram
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