Today’s Guests: Kathy Kinney, star of ‘The Drew Carey Show,’ and Cindy Ratzlaff, so-authors of Queen of Your Own Life: The Grown-Up Woman’s Guide to Claiming Happiness and Getting the Life You Deserve.

How old were you when your age made you feel a little fatalistic?
KATHY KINNEY podcast excerpt: “Mimi would say, ‘What did you do? Why are you giving me a gift, pig?’ And then she would secretly read (Queen of Your Own Life) and then use it to prop open a door, because she’d say to herself, ‘I knew all that from the beginning. Of course, I’m beautiful and perfect just the way I am.'”
You can LISTEN to this interview with KATHY KINNEY and CINDY RATZLAFF, authors of QUEEN OF YOUR LIFE, by clicking the audio player above!
Until I was 38, I remember still looking in the mirror and seeing a carefree 17-year-old face smiling back at me. But then some health and family issues bore down and made me feel every one of those 38 years—and then some.
Eleven years later, to paraphrase Mary Chapin Carpenter, sometimes I feel like the windshield, sometimes I feel like the bug.
But however I may feel, I know it’s waaay worse for women of the same age.

Kathy Kinney and Cindy Ratzlaff know exactly what I’m talking about. They are the co-authors of a new book called Queen of Your Own Life: The Grown-Up Woman’s Guide to Claiming Happiness and Getting the Life You Deserve. It was inspired when Kathy tripped over the word “crone” online and found it being applied to women of a certain age—her age. Then she and Cindy went away for an annual girlfriends’ trip where, over dinner, Kathy dropped the ‘C’ word on her friend.
Rather than sit back and suffer the slings and Arrows of cronehood, they decided to fight back.
I’ll let the queens fill in the details, but you should know that while Cindy Ratzlaff is a veteran publishing executive, Kathy Kinney is a queen of the small screen. Perhaps you remember her better as “Mimi Bobeck,” Drew Carey’s comic foil for nearly a decade on ABC’s long-running “Drew Carey Show.”
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