As a middle school girls soccer coach, I enjoy working with kids and their parents, But not, I suspect, enough to want to be Jo Frost, the star of the ABC TV series “Supernanny.” And while it would be tempting to be called “Super-Manny,” the title that falls to her associate Mike Ruggles, I don’t think I’d want to be him, either.
>podcast excerpt: “When they brought me in, they thought it might be good angle to work with Dad. They were centered on Dad, but it turned out the whole family needed work.”
That doesn’t mean it won’t be fun to watch on Friday, January 29 when Ruggles takes over the show for an episode of parenting, “Wally World” style.
In this very special episode of “Supernanny” titled “Super-Manny Special: Griswold Family,” Ruggles might meet just his match in a family of real-life Griswolds. That’s right, the Griswolds—just like in my favorite holiday movie, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
Mike Ruggles Supernanny Wiki • IMDB

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