Today’s Guests: Ana Ortiz, Tony Plana, actors, “Ugly Betty”

The big news is that ABC’s sexy, fashion-funny rom-com “Ugly Betty” is moving to Wednesday nights at 10 p.m.
And while I understand that surviving a Friday night timeslot on network TV is like getting a stay of execution from the governor, in the digital age, I have to wonder if timeslots matter at all. Or is my family the only one recording “Betty” on a DVR and watching it at our convenience instead of the network’s?
ANA ORTIZ podcast excerpt: “Oh, my gosh! The show comes from a novella in Colombia. When it ended, the had the character of Betty get together with the Daniel Meade character. The country when bananas and was furious about it. They said Betty would never fall in love with this guy! Betty is going to evolve, but not into Cinderella.”
Of course not.
Anyway, to celebrate the new time slot, I’m being joined by Betty’s older sister, Hilda, played by the red-hot chica, Ana Ortiz, and Betty’s distinguished and wise Papi, played by Tony Plana.
Ana Ortiz IMDB • Twitter • Instagram
Tony Plana Website • IMDB • Twitter


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