Today’s Guest: Eddie McClintock, actor, “Warehouse 13”
I’m a believer in the wonders of SyFy’s new series, “Warehouse 13.”
Oh, I won’t lie to you: there were a few moments in the early episodes where my wife, my daughter and I weren’t sure how much longer we’d stick with it. The show took a little time to get its bearings, convincing itself and the rest of us what kind of treasures awaited the patient.
But over the course of its last four or five weeks, “Warehouse 13″—the place where America’s greatest secrets are housed, its mysteries answered, its riddles questioned—has captured our loyalty and respect.
EDDIE McCLINTOCK podcast excerpt: “Any show needs to find out what it is. Until the actors can get to know who their characters are and who they are to one another, it takes a little while. Take any good show—go back and watch Frasier, Friends, Cheers, Seinfeld—it takes a little while.”
One of the big reasons for this—according to the women in my house—is the appeal of Eddie McClintock as Pete Latimer, one half of the Warehouse 13 investigative team. McClintock’s character is part Mulder from “The X-Files,” a dash of Captain Jonathan Archer from “Star Trek Enterprise,” and a measure of the lighter, boyish side of George Clooney in the Oceans movie series.
If you haven’t stepped into the Warehouse yet, take advantage of and catch up. The first season finale airs tonight, Thursday, September 22 at 9 p.m., and I know it will be a blast.
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