Today’s Guest: Jeanne Martinet, author, Life Is Friends: A Complete Guide to the Lost Art of Connecting in Person

I knew there was something missing in my life since it became Facebook-, Twitter-, Orkut- Bebo- and instant messaging-centric, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what.
Turns out, it’s people!
You know, real life, high-fiving, handshaking, backslapping, refrigerator-raiding friends, neighbors and family.
Jeanne Martinet, the author of The Art of Mingling, just published a new book, Life Is Friends. I suspect it will become one of those gems that is found on everyone’s bookshelf—or e-book reader—in the future. It’s a lively read and full of great anecdote advice.
Jeanne Martinet Website • Facebook • Twitter • Order Life is Friends from

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