Today’s Guest: Robert Hofler, author, Variety’s The Movie That Changed My Life

Nobody asked, but here are a couple of the movies that changed my life:
The Out-of-Towners with Jack Lemmon. The first movie I ever saw at a drive-in with my parents. Scared me out of New York City for years.
Superman with Christopher Reeves. I believed a man could fly.
Serpico with Al Pacino. I saw a topless woman on screen for the first time.
Star Wars. I was lucky enough to be at the red carpet, New York City premiere. When that first battle cruiser went across the 70 mm screen, I never looked at mbies the same way again.
And then there was the first time I saw porno in a movie theater. I was working at the old Royal Park Theater 4 in Gainesville, Florida, and we showed Debbie Does Dallas at a 5 p.m. show. Good thing I saw that show; the police thereafter confiscated our print.
So that brings us to my guest today, Variety magazine senior editor Robert Hofler, who is author of a fun new book called Variety’s The Movie That Changed My Life.
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