Monty Python Life of Brian editor Julian Doyle cries Jesus! VIDEO INTERVIEW

  Part 1 of 4   Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience that includes the Reverend Arthur Belling, Cardinal Ximinez, Cardinal Fang, Cardinal Biggles, D.P. Gumby, Mr. Eric Praline, Mr. Nudge, and, of course, Kate Middleton… in the new new media capitol of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida! Oh, so many of... Continue Reading →

Roger Nygard goes where none dare: The Nature of Existence! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Roger Nygard has come back to Earth—or has he? The highly regarded documentary filmmaker went to the outer reaches of the galaxy a few years ago when he profiled Star Trek fans—and a few actors from the show—to make Trekkies and its sequel, Trekkies 2. Somehow, he made fun of Trek fans at the same... Continue Reading →

Ziggy cartoonist Tom Wilson shares scenes from a heartbreaking life! PODCAST INTERVIEW

   When I was a teenager—back during the Ford Administration, if you must know—a time when Peanuts was the best thing going in daily comic strips and years before The Far Side shook up the quiet world of single-panel strips, there was Ziggy. The roly-poly, philosophical mensch was widely quoted, appeared on a zillion greeting... Continue Reading →

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