Why CAN’T a man be more like a woman, Sandra Beckwith? INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Sandra Beckwith, editor, The Do(o)little Report Originally Published February 3, 1997 If you've seen the NBC sitcom "Men Behaving Badly," Sandra Beckwith says you're already familiar with her field of study. The editor of The Do(o)little Report, a bimonthly newsletter that answers the musical question, "Why can't a man be more like a... Continue Reading →

49 Scott Woelfel builds CNN Interactive, settles into Armchair! INTERVIEW

Originally Published November 18, 1996 CNN is one of the world's most recognizable brand names. If you need a news fix, it's the television channel to which everyone in the global village turns. What about when there's no TV around? That's the idea behind CNN Interactive, yet another brand extension from the house that Ted... Continue Reading →

25 At Neighborhood America, David Bankston is business social! PODCAST INTERVIEW

  Today’s media newsmaker interview is a little different. I don’t expect many people will know either my guest, David Bankston, or the company he represents, Neighborhood America. It’s very likely, though, that you may have already encountered a Neighborhood America program and not even realized it. The Naples, Florida, based company does enterprise-social networks... Continue Reading →

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