419 Law and Order: SVU showrunner Neal Baer spills secrets! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Neal Baer, executive producer "Law & Order: SVU" The Law & Order television franchise has passed through numerous stages over its two decades on the air at NBC. There was innovation, as in the split show format of the original; shock, as in the horrible nature of some of the crimes depicted; expansion,... Continue Reading →

A Beautiful Life as suggested by screenwriter Deborah Calla! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Deborah Calla, screenwriter, producer, A Beautiful Life   I haven’t spoken with her yet, but my sense is that Deborah Calla, who produced and co-wrote the new indie film A Beautiful Life, feels a strong connection to the lead character of Maggie. It’s just a sense, but the character of Maggie, a teenage... Continue Reading →

Bai Ling makes stand in A Beautiful Life! PODCAST INTERVIEWS

Bai Ling stands out among American actresses for so many reasons: she’s Chinese, for one thing, but it’s not just that. She reads lines differently than her counterparts, a little softer here, a little louder there. And you don’t get the sense that she hesitates to say or do much of anything on camera, making... Continue Reading →

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