Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Nora Armani, founding artistic director, SR Socially Relevant Film Festival New York, March 16-22, 2015, by clicking on the video player above! Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of socially irrelevant filmmakers trying to put on a brave face in hopes of being... Continue Reading →
Guest of Honor recalls White House dinner of Teddy and Booker! VIDEO INTERVIEW
Today's Guest: Deborah Davis, author, Guest of Honor: Booker T. Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, and the White House Dinner That Shocked a Nation Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of blacks and whites living together in harmony – seriously, they’re right here in my living room, humming the greatest hits of Run... Continue Reading →
African-American editorial cartoonists go ’round the table! PODCAST INTERVIEW
Today's Guests: Tim Jackson, David G. Brown, Ron Rogers, Barbara Brandon-Croft, Dr. Yaounde Olu, editorial cartoonists These are days when the rules are being rewritten by the hour, a time when the old ways seem quaint and antiquated, a period in history when perhaps we can no longer rely upon history to guide the future.... Continue Reading →