Must-See Sci-Fi doesn’t scare Sloan de Forest! PODCAST INTERVIEW

    Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Sloan de Forest by clicking on the video player above!  I’m a sci-fi guy. I can track my love of the gere back to original 1960s airings of classic “Star Trek,” many of which scared the crap out of me – the episode titled “The Cage”... Continue Reading →

Who killed movie star Natalie Wood? Is the true story here? PODCAST INTERVIEW

    What happened to Natalie Wood on the night of November 29, 1981? The next morning, as we all know, she was discovered floating in the waters off Catalina Island. But what happened during the night before she died? That night, Natalie was aboard the Splendour, the boat she and her husband, actor Robert... Continue Reading →

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