Smallville’s Alaina Huffman flies high on Stargate Universe! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Alaina Huffman, actress, "Smallville," "Stargate Universe"   Alaina Huffman is a double-dipper.When it comes to commanding the hearts and minds of fanboys—and, no doubt, fangirls—the world over, Huffman holds not one but two roles of substantial interest in the TV sci-fi/comic book universe. On The CW’s long-running “Smallville” series—you know, where Clark Kent... Continue Reading →

Ming-Na beams in from Stargate to spend night with Charlie Sheen! PODCAST INTERVIEW

  I always dreamed there would come a day when I would meet the lovely actress Ming-Na. But I thought it would be in a smoky, out of the way bar, we’d both be single… I’m sorry—where was I? MING-NA podcast excerpt: "As much as I'm proud to be part of the Disney legacy as... Continue Reading →

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