939 Walking petri dish A.J. Jacobs defies death in fit new book! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: A.J. Jacobs, Esquire magazine writer, contributing editor, author, Drop Dead Healthy, The Year of Living Biblically, The Know-It-All   Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of middle-aged Al Bundys who hope we spend the entire interview talking about what it’s like to be in the same room with Sofia Vergara…... Continue Reading →

933 Joseph Dorman makes Sholem Aleichem docu zing like a Fiddler on the Roof! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Joseph Dorman, documentary director, Sholem Aleicheim: Laughing in the Darkness   Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of 16-year-old boys in heavy fake beards all speaking in high school Yiddish accents… in the new new media capitol of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida! Part 1 of 4  I owe my... Continue Reading →

828 Bob Dylan Revealed in new documentary film by Joel Gilbert! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Joel Gilbert, documentary filmmaker, Bob Dylan Revealed   Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of people who won’t figure out that my audio failed to record during the following conversation… in the new new media capitol of the world… St. Petersburg, Florida!   Part 1 of 2  I can’t imagine... Continue Reading →

Dava Krause combines comedy, song, farting into a joyous noise! PODCAST INTERVIEW

What do you get when you combine comedy with singing… plus tattoos, bodily functions, sexual revelations and Judaism? Dava Krause. (Okay, Sarah Silverman would not be a wrong answer, but just not the right answer today.) Krause just released a new album, Child of the ‘80s, which will leave you laughing and singing along—all the... Continue Reading →

214 Hey, Rabbi Bob Alper! What are you… a comedian? PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Rabbi Bob Alper, comedian, author, Life Doesn't Get Any Better Than This   My wife and I love taking vacations in Maine and Vermont. That’s not unusual for Floridians, of course. But it was reading the local paper in Manchester Center, Vermont, probably a decade ago, that I first heard of my next... Continue Reading →

68 Writer A.J. Jacobs recalls The Year of Living Biblically! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: A.J. Jacobs, author, The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible   A.J. Jacobs must have the best magazine job in America. As editor-at-large for Esquire, here are a few examples of recent stories appearing under his byline: • “My Outsourced Life,” detailing his... Continue Reading →

60 Curb Your Enthusiasm star Jeff Garlin’s Cheesy wild ride! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Jeff Garlin, comedian, actor, "Curb Your Enthusiasm," "The Goldbergs"   Today is a great day to be Jeff Garlin. And for him, tomorrow will probably be an even better day. The sixth season of the hugely popular and hysterically funny HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” starring Larry David and co-starring Garlin, is now... Continue Reading →

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