In the 1990s, comic books were Hulk huge! VIDEO INTERVIEW

    Watch this exclusive Mr. Media interview with Jason Sacks and Keith Dallas by clicking on the video player above!  In the 1990s, there were a lot of comic books—and comic book publishers—that I either missed out on completely or that held so little appeal to me that I ignored them. That’s saying a... Continue Reading →

Four minutes in the life of filmmaker Morgan Spurlock! VIDEO INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Morgan Spurlock, documentary filmmaker, Comic-Con Episode IV A Fans Hope, Super Size Me   Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of comic book fans who – spoiler alert! Spoiler alert! They already know how this and every other story ends!… in the new new media capital of the world… St.... Continue Reading →

The Dark Knight Rises on producer Michael Uslan’s bat-wings! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Michael Uslan, executive producer, Batman, The Dark Knight films, author, The Boy Who Loved Batman   Mr. Media is recorded live before a studio audience of Batman pajamas wearing youngsters dreaming of slaying their dragons and laying their Vicki Vales… in the NEW new media capital of the world, St. Petersburg, Florida! I’ve... Continue Reading →

Will Eisner documentary talk with Andrew Cooke and Jon Cooke! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Andrew Cooke and Jon Cooke – yes, they’re brothers – have devoted roughly eight years of their lives to producing and distributing the documentary film, Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist. I know the Brothers Cooke pretty well and feel their pain because for several years, we were on somewhat similar career tracks. ANDREW... Continue Reading →

Watching the Watchmen with artist Dave Gibbons! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Dave Gibbons, comic book artist, co-creator, Watchmen   Frank Miller must have a guardian angel. How else to explain that, in the days before his latest movie, The Spirit, would premiere to horrendous reviews, it was announced that his next project would be a remake of Buck Rogers? Or, even wilder, that Dave... Continue Reading →

Forget Frank Miller’s mistake: This is The Spirit fans want to see! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Steven Paul Leiva, filmmaker, "Will Eisner's The Spirit" cartoon; author, Searching for Ray Bradbury     I know a thing or two about comic book artist and American master Will Eisner and his best known character, "The Spirit." I spent almost three years researching and writing the only biography of the man –... Continue Reading →

Michael Uslan + Batman movie rights = boffo B.O.! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Michael Uslan, executive producer, Batman, Dark Knight movies   Kids, if you want to grow up to be a successful executive producer of movies like Michael Uslan ("YOU-slin") did, the key is education – and patience. Lots and lots of patience. Uslan secured the rights to make Batman movies years before Tim Burton,... Continue Reading →

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