Cartoonist Clay Bennett draws audio pictures for Mr. Media! PODCAST INTERVIEW

  Of the nine books I’ve written, it just occurred to me that the first and last have Pulitzer Prize connections—not for my work, unfortunately, but still… The last was Will Eisner: A Spirited Life, a biography of the American master artist and writer, which featured an introduction by Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Michael Chabon.... Continue Reading →

Cartoonist Charlos Gary likes his Cafe Con Leche hot! INTERVIEW

  The only thing tougher than being a black man trying to hail a cab in Manhattan might be being a black man trying to sell a comic strip into a daily newspaper that already has a strip created by an African-American cartoonist. Charlos Gary knows how tough it is – he’s the man behind... Continue Reading →

Cartoonist Mort Walker on creating Beetle Bailey, Hi and Lois! PODCAST INTERVIEW

  Mort Walker is the dean and -- in some ways -- the curator of American cartoonists. Best known for his long-running strips “Beetle Bailey” and “Hi & Lois,” Walker, 84, is also a bedrock member of the National Cartoonists Society, and he’s the founder and energy behind the National Cartoon Museum. This is the... Continue Reading →

4 Universal Press Syndicate editor Lee Salem on funny pages! PODCAST INTERVIEW

  Lee Salem is a guy I’ve admired for many, many years. As the president and editor of Universal Press Syndicate, he is the man responsible for recognizing a slew of creative talent that impacted American pop culture and the funny pages over the last 30-plus years. The origins of Garry Trudeau and “Doonesbury,” Gary... Continue Reading →

1 Cartoonist Mark Tatulli tattles on his weird kid, LIO! PODCAST INTERVIEW

Today's Guest: Mark Tatulli, daily cartoonist creator, "LIO," "Heart of the City."   (EDITOR'S NOTE: This was the very first Mr. Media® Interviews podcast, recorded January 19, 2007. We've improved the sound a bit and hope you'll enjoy discovering it!) "LIO" is the creation of Mark Tatulli, and he’s a fresh brand of weird and... Continue Reading →

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